Stage 3: Determining Authority makes its decision
The Determining Authority consists of 3 members who meet in private usually every month:
- a Chair, who is a medical practitioner
- a member of the public who is not a practitioner
- a member who is a practitioner in the same profession as you.
The Determining Authority has 2 main functions:
- to consider section 92 agreements and either ratify or refuse to ratify them
- to determine what sanctions should be imposed following a Committee’s finding of inappropriate practice.
Ratifying section 92 agreements
If you entered into a section 92 Agreement with the Director, the Determining Authority follows these steps:
Who |
What |
Determining Authority |
If the agreement is ratified, you will be advised of the date it takes effect (usually the 14th day after ratification). Once ratified, the Agreement is binding on you and the Director. Ratified agreements are sent to the Department of Health and Aged Care and a department representative will contact you about any payments you need to make under the agreement.
If the agreement is not ratified, the Determining Authority will advise you and the Director and provide reasons for the refusal. The Director will then do one of the following:
- seek to enter a new section 92 agreement with you, which needs to be ratified by the Determining Authority
within 3 months of its earlier decision not to ratify the original agreement
- refer your matter to a PSR Committee.
Deciding on sanctions
If a Committee found that you engaged in inappropriate practice, the case will be passed on to the Determining Authority to decide what sanctions to impose.
The Determining Authority must accept a Committee’s finding of inappropriate practice and cannot revisit them. Its focus is limited to making a determination that includes at least one of the sanctions set out in section 106U of the Act:
- a reprimand
- counselling
- disqualification from billing certain MBS and CDBS items, providing Medicare services to a class of persons, or providing some or all Medicare items from a certain location for up to 3 years
- full disqualification from billing all MBS items for up to 3 years
- repayment of some or all of the Medicare benefits for MBS or CDBS items that you billed and were found to have provided inappropriately during the review period
- full disqualification from the PBS for up to 3 years.
If you have previously acknowledged or been found to have engaged in inappropriate practice, the maximum period for disqualification is 5 years, rather than 3.
Considering a Committee’s final report
The Determining Authority begins its consideration by following these steps:
Who |
What |
Determining Authority |
You |
Determining Authority |
You |
Making a decision
The Determining Authority then decides what sanctions to impose by following these steps:
Who |
What |
Determining Authority |
You |
Determining Authority |
Implementing the determination
The final determination takes effect 35 days after you receive a copy (unless you start court proceedings).
A representative from the Department of Health and Aged Care will contact you to implement the final determination, including any disqualification and repayment of Medicare benefits.