Information Publication Scheme plan
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The Professional Services Review (PSR) Agency is an independent statutory agency, established under Part VAA of the Health Insurance Act 1973 (HI Act), which sets out our role, powers and processes.
Our statutory role is to protect patients and the community from the risks of inappropriate practice. This also protects the integrity of the Medicare program, services provided under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule, and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.
As a Commonwealth Agency, we must comply with the:
- Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act)
- Information Publication Scheme (IPS) requirements.
PSR has prepared and published this IPS plan in compliance with our statutory obligations under section 8(1) and 8(2)(a) of the FOI Act.
These sections require PSR to have a published plan showing:
- what information we propose to publish
- how, and to whom we propose to publish information, and
- how we otherwise propose to comply with our IPS obligations.
The purpose of this plan is to:
- define what information we propose to publish
- assist PSR in planning and developing its IPS
- measure the success of PSR information publication
- ensure that information is easily discoverable, understandable, machine-readable, re-usable and transformable
- determine how and to whom the information will be published
- determine how PSR will otherwise comply with the IPS.
PSR’s objectives in relation to this IPS plan include:
- furthering the objectives of the FOI Act
- managing PSR IPS entries, including identifying and publishing all required information (section 8(2)), and identifying appropriate ‘other information’ to be published (section 8(4))
- regularly reviewing the published information to ensure that it is accurate, current and complete (section 8B)
- ensuring that information published by PSR under the IPS is easily discoverable, understandable, machine-readable, and compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.0 Level AA (WCAG 2.0 compliance)
- ensuring that all IPS entries have a ‘consistent look and feel’ to enhance accessibility
- ensuring that published information is, where possible, on open licensing terms.
Establishing and administering the agency’s IPS entry
The PSR General Manager oversees the agency’s IPS, to ensure that it is implemented, maintained and compliant with the FOI Act.
PSR also has a FOI coordinator, who receives feedback on the IPS agency plan.
In line with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s guidelines, we will regularly update and maintain the information framework and be prepared for the Commissioner’s audit in the 5-year review period.
PSR will ensure that all information is accurate and current at the time of publication. Our aim is to be transparent and open with the public about our decision-making processes.
PSR may impose a charge in circumstances where a request for a document(s) constitutes an administrative burden. These charges will be consistent with charges in the Freedom of Information (Charges) Regulations 2019 (which generally apply to access requests under Part III of the FOI Act). We encourage persons to access documents via our website (, where they can be accessed free of charge.
Structure of the IPS
Information published under the PSR IPS will be located on our website, at As recommended by the Information Commissioner, the PSR IPS is identified using the IPS icon in the ‘publications and resources’ section of the website.
A search function is included in our website, which can identify individual documents we have provided under the IPS.
The PSR information holdings are WCAG 2.0 Level AA compliant. To ensure that this standard is maintained for IPS entry and individual documents, PSR has:
- placed an IPS link on the PSR website homepage
- whenever possible, provided online content in a format that can be searched, copied and transformed
- updated the PSR website sitemap to assist users in locating published information.
PSR invites feedback on its IPS entry and compliance. The PSR website includes both a contact form and a postal address for the PSR FOI Coordinator.
PSR will take into account any feedback about this plan and modify the IPS as appropriate.
Information required to be published under the IPS
PSR publishes the following information under section 8(2) of the FOI Act:
Agency plan: s 8(2)(a)
- a link to this document.
Details of the PSR organisational structure and appointments ss 8(2)(b) and 8(2)(d)
- a link to the PSR organisation chart, and pay and grading structures
- information about appointments
- information about statutory appointees, including the person’s name, the appointment term, their position and details about the Act under which they are appointed.
How the PSR functions, and its operational information: ss 8(2)(c) and 8(2)(j)
- an outline of the functions and powers of the PSR Director, PSR Committees and the Determining Authority
- any rules, guidelines, practices and precedents relating to these functions and powers.
PSR reports and responses to Parliament: ss 8(2)(e) and 8(2)(h)
- recent annual reports tabled in Parliament.
Routinely requested information and disclosure log: ss 8(2)(g) and 11C
- information in documents that we routinely provide in response to FOI requests
- information published under section 11C of the FOI Act.
Consultation arrangements: s 8(2)(f)
- information about how the public can comment if we conduct public consultation on a specific matter.
Contact details: s 8(2)(i)
- a phone number and contact form for people to contact us about accessing our information or documents.
The above information is located on the PSR website.
PSR is committed to protecting the data that it holds and transmits while fulfilling its statutory functions. PSR is required to comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988, and the secrecy provisions of the HI Act. Because of this, PSR does not publish some documents that may otherwise be required to be published under section 8(2), in accordance with section 8C.
Determinations as to whether information is publishable under section 8(2) of the FOI Act for documents not protected by statutory secrecy provisions occurs as soon as possible after they have been finalised by the Director or the relevant PSR officer.
Other information to be published under the IPS
In the IPS section of the PSR website, information in addition to that required by section 8(2) of the Act will be published.
PSR will publish as much information as possible to comply with the FOI Act and in the interest of full disclosure. PSR publishes the following information under section 8(4) of the FOI Act:
PSR strategic direction
- corporate and strategic plans, assessments and reviews
- our relevant corporate and non-corporate policies
Additional financial information
- additional information relating to pay and grading structures
- procurement, tendering and contract procedures
Submissions made by PSR
- PSR submissions to parliamentary committees, the Productivity Commissioner, the Australian Law Reform Commission and other agencies
The above information, where published, is located on the PSR website.
Determinations as to whether information is publishable under section 8(4) of the FOI Act occurs on a case-by-case basis for documents not protected by statutory secrecy provisions. This process is practicable for PSR, as the agency processes relatively few documents of this type, allowing for sufficient time to examine them on this basis.
IPS Compliance Review
Feedback on PSR's IPS Agency Plan
FOI Coordinator
PO Box 74
Fyshwick ACT 2609
(02) 6120 9100